Arena information
- !help [topic] – shows the bot's own help page.
- !version – shows the bot's version.
- !motd – shows the message of the day.
- !battle stats – shows the overall battle statistics, including the current Arena level.
- !bounty – shows which boss has a bounty.
- !scoreboard – shows the scoreboard. This can't be used during battle.
- !score [player] – shows a player's score.
- !deathboard monster|boss – shows the monster deathboard, which records the number of times each monster has been defeated.
- !damageboard melee|tech – shows the damage board, which records the average damage dealt by players with the specified type of attack.
- !dragonballs – shows how many dragonballs the players have found.
- !dragonballs summon – uses the power of the seven dragonballs to summon Shenron.
- !npc status – shows the status of the shop NPCs. Green means present, red means captured and brown means away.
- !npc news – lists the most recent shop NPC-related events.
- !bot admin list
- !conquest or !conquest info – shows the current Conquest state. When players are winning the conquest, special items will be available in the shop.
- !conquest points
- !conquest record – shows the number of times each side has won the conquest.
- !view-info category item – the category can be weapon, shield, tech, item, accessory, song, gem, key, rune, item, ignition, trust or alchemy.
- !recipe search item – shows all alchemy recipes that use a certain item.
- !auction info – shows the auction state, including the item up for sale and the time left.
- !auction winners [#] – shows who won the last few auctions, or a specific auction.
- !auction bid amount
- !dragon list – lists the dragons that are currently present. Cannot be used in battle.
Dragon hunt
- !dragon hunt – attempts to find and start a battle with a dragon. Cannot be used in battle.
Battle information
- !bat info – shows the current battle state, including the list of combatants.
- !weather – shows the in-game weather
- !moon – shows the current in-game moon phase.
- !time – shows the in-game time, which has nothing to do with real time.
Character information
- !last seen character
- !HP – shows your health. You can use !stats to see another's health.
- !battle HP – shows all allies' health.
- !battle style – shows all allies' style ratings.
- !TP – shows your TP.
- !IG or !ignition gauge – shows your ignition gauge.
- !desc [character] – shows a character's description.
- !stats [player] – shows a player's attributes and equipment in private.
- !status – shows any status effects on a character.
- !level [character] – shows a character's estimated level, based on their four core attributes (STR, DEF, INT and SPD). Note that speed is weighted 60 % as much as the other attributes.
- !actionpoints [character] – shows how many action points a character has, which determines when they can move if this mechanic is enabled.
- !orbs [player] – shows how many red and black orbs a player has.
- !notes [player] – shows how many allied notes a player has.
- !doubledollars [player] – shows how many double dollars a player has.
- !enhancementpoints [player] – shows how many enhancement points and capacity points a player has.
- !loginpoints [player] – shows how many login points a player has.
- !look [character] – shows a player's equipment.
- !weapons [character]
- !shields [character]
- !armor [character]
- !techs [character]
- !skills [character]
- !ignitions [character]
- !songs [character]
- !items [character]
- !ammo [character]
- !keys [character]
- !gems [character]
- !seals [character]
- !instruments [character]
- !portals [character]
- !misc items [character]
- !potion ingredients [character]
- !trading cards [character]
- !runes [player]
- !trusts [player]
- !count [character] item – shows how many of a specific item a player has.
- !augment list [character] – shows a character's augmented weapons.
- !augment strength [character] – shows all augments currently on the specified character.
- !style – shows your current style, style experience and styles you know.
- !xp [character] – shows a player's style experience.
- !misc info [player] – shows a player's extended statistics.
- !total deaths monster
- !achievements [player]
- !portal usage – shows how many portals you have used toward your limit.
- !dungeon usage – shows how long until you can start a dungeon party again.
Character management
- !new char – registers a new character under your nickname. Your nickname must be a valid Windows file name.
- !newpass old password new password – changes your password.
- !id password – use this command in private to the bot to log in.
- !quick id password – logs you in without showing your character description.
- !dcc – starts a DCC session with the bot. You must be logged in from IRC to use this command.
- !dcc close – closes your DCC session with the bot. You must be logged in from IRC to use this command. This can be used to unlock your account if a DCC session was lost.
- !logout – logs you out. Changing nickname or leaving the channel will also log you out.
- !access add|remove player – manages your access list, which lists other players who can control your character in battle. This carries over to your clone, too.
- !cdesc new description – changes your character description. Your name is prepended automatically when it is displayed.
- !skill desc skill description – allows you to set a custom description for one of your skills.
- !ignition desc ignition description – allows you to set a custom description for one of your ignitions.
- !weaponboost desc technique description – allows you to set a custom description for one of your boost techniques.
- !clear desc character|skill|technique – removes a custom character, skill or technique description.
- !setgender male|female|none – sets your character's gender.
- !level sync level – this command will temporarily reduce your core attributes to a level of your choosing for the next battle. Admins can use this command to raise their level.
- !equip [left] weapon|shield – shields can only be worn on the left hand.
- !unequip weapon|shield|armor|accessory|mech – removes the specified item. Specifying a weapon or shield will actually remove all equipped weapons and shields.
- Character equips [left] weapon – this command can be used to force another character to equip a weapon. All such control commands require that you be on the character's access list, or a bot admin.
- !unequip weapon
- !style change style – changes your style. If used in battle, this uses up a turn.
- Character style change to style
- !view battle save
- !save battle streak – saves the current Arena level to your file. You can only save once per hour.
- !reload battle streak – sets the Arena level to your saved level. The Arena must be below level 10 to do this.
- !clear battle save – deletes your saved Arena level, allowing you to later save a lower level.
- !reset battle streak – resets the Arena level to zero, if you were the one who reloaded it. Admins can use !set streak 0 instead.
- !view difficulty
- !save difficulty level – allows you to set a difficulty. The levels of all monsters in battles you join will be increased by this many levels. The difficulty can be set between 0 and 100.
- !shop
- !shop list categories – categories can be items, techs, skills, stats, weapons, styles, ignitions, orbs, portals, misc, mech or mech items.
- !shop buy categories item [amount]
- !shop sell categories item [amount] or !sell categories item [amount] – you can sell items and techniques. Note that selling technique levels is not subject to your shop level.
- !exchange doubledollars|alliednotes amount in allied notes – exchanges the specified currency for the other one. 1 allied note is worth 2 double dollars.
- !voucher list – shows the vouchers you hold.
- !voucher buy bronze|silver|gold item – exchanges vouchers for an item.
- !augment add weapon rune
- !augment remove weapon
- !reforge weapon – uses black orbs and a repair hammer to add a random augment to a weapon.
- !wear armor|accessory item
- !remove armor|accessory item
- !gearset set number – saves your currently equipped items as a gear set. The number must be between 1 and 3.
- !gearset equip number – equips the items saved in the specified gear set.
- !gearset view number
- !mech repair item
- !mech fuel item
- !mech equip item
- !mech unequip item
- !mech stats
- !mech items
- !mech weapons
- !mech upgrade engine|health|energy|cost [amount]
- !mech name name
- !mech desc description
Battle actions
- !enter – Enters you into the battle. There's no turning back.
- Character enters the battle – players can be entered by other non-admins only if they themselves have been active less than a week ago.
- !flee or !run away – OK, that's not entirely true. But remember that if all players flee, the battle counts as a defeat.
- !bet npc|monster amount – allows you to bet double dollars on AI battles. You can bet up to $$9999.
- /me attacks target or !attack target – performs a basic attack with your equipped weapons or hands.
- Character attacks target – the 'control' version of this command (see the equip command above).
- /me taunts target or !taunt target – allows you to taunt a monster.
- Character taunts target
- !use item on target
- Character uses item item on target
- /me uses their technique on target or !tech technique on target – you can replace 'their' with your actual gender-specific term, or any other word, really.
- /me goes technique – this works with boosts, ignitions and any technique you can use on yourself.
- !goes technique
- /me sings song or !sing song
- Character sings song
- Character uses their technique on target
- /me reverts from ignition or !reverts ignition
- Character reverts from ignition
- /me activates their mech or !activates mech
- Character activates their mech
- /me deactivates their mech or !deactivates mech
- Character deactivates their mech
- !rest – skips the free turn at the start of a dungeon. It can be used in another part of a dungeon too.
- Character does skill [target] – the 'control' skill command. Skills that act on the user will have no target.
- !Speed
- !Elemental Seal
- !Mighty Strike
- !True Strike
- !Mana Wall
- !Royal Guard
- !lockpick
- !Perfect Defense
- !Utsusemi
- !Fullbring item
- !Sugitekai
- !Meditate
- !Conserve TP
- !Blood Boost
- !Blood Spirit
- !Drain Samba
- !Formless Strike
- !regen
- !stop regen
- !Kikouheni weather
- !Shadow Copy
- !shadow attack target – with the Doppelganger style, makes your clone attack.
- !shadow tech technique target – with the Doppelganger style, makes your clone use a technique.
- !shadow skill skill [target] – with the Doppelganger style, makes your clone use a skill. Clones can't use the Scavenge or Steal skills. Clones also can't use Shadow Copy, except certain monsters.
- !shadow taunt target – with the Doppelganger style, makes your clone taunt.
- !Steal target
- !Analyze target
- !Quicksilver
- !Cover target
- !snatch target
- !Aggressor
- !Defender
- !craft item or !alchemy item
- !Holy Aura
- !Provoke target
- !Weapon Lock target
- !Disarm target
- !Konzen-Ittai
- !Seal Break
- !MagicMirror
- !gamble
- !Third Eye
- !scavenge
- !Perfect Counter
- !Retaliation
- !Just Release target
- !Stoneskin
- !TabulaRasa target
- !Warp battlefield – sacrifices 2000 red orbs to choose the battlefield on which the next battle will take place. Only battlefields that can be randomly selected can be warped to.
- !wrestle target
- !wheel help
- !wheel spin
- !garden view
- !garden plant item
- !chouhan help
- !chouhan amount even|odd – places a bet in Chō-Han. You can bet up to 100 000 red orbs, once per day (by default).
- !gobbie box help
- !gobbie box open – spends 10 login points to open the goblin's chest.
Admin commands
Arena management
- !motd set [message – sets a message that is shown to all players logging in.
- !motd remove
- !start battle [type] [boss type] – opens a battle immediately. The type can be any of the following: monster, boss, orbfountain, gauntlet, PvP, AI, mimic, savethepresident, defendoutpost, assault, supplyrun, dragonhunt, torment or manual. The boss type can be any of the following: normal, bandits, gremlins, doppelganger, warmachine, demonwall, wallofflesh, predator, pirates, frostlegion, crystalshadow or dinosaurs. If either is omitted, the bot will pick one normally. In a manual battle, monsters won't appear by themselves, and must be summoned in using !summon.
- !summon npc|monster|boss target – enters an NPC into the battle.
- !bat go – starts the battle immediately.
- !end battle [result] – ends the battle immediately. Result can be victory, defeat, draw or omitted. Use should be avoided during NPC battles, as the conclusion of those sets some additional variables.
- !next – skips the current character's turn.
- !clear battle – resets the Arena state, ready for the next battle. This also forces some events such as auctions and dragons to be checked.
- !leveladjust [level] – sets a global difficulty.
- !set streak level – sets the actual Arena level.
- !clear battle stats – Danger! This wipes the battle stats, including the Arena level.
- !toggle scoreboard type – switches between two scoring systems.
- !toggle scoreboard HTML – turns the HTML scoreboard on or off.
- !bot admin add nickname – adds a bot admin.
- !bot admin remove nickname – removes a bot admin. The first listed admin is considered the owner, and can't be removed.
- !quit – takes the bot off IRC.
- !debug dump – creates a file listing some critical variables.
- !main folder cleanup – removes files left over from old versions of Battle Arena.
- !force system default check – rechecks for missing settings and script files.
- !clear battletable – removes a temporary file and variables used for calculating the turn order. Shouldn't be needed.
- !toggle playeraccesscmds – disables or enables use of player control commands by non-admins.
- !toggle personaldifficulty – disables or enables personal difficulties.
- !toggle spiritofthehero – disables or enables the Spirit of the Hero buff.
- !toggle mode playersmustdie – turns Players Must Die mode on or off. In Players Must Die mode, players who survive the battle won't have their health and TP restored.
- !toggle damage formula – switches between five different damage formulas from different versions of the game.
- !toggle battle system type – switches between the default even battle system and a speed-based one.
- !toggle bot colors – turns on or off the bot's ability to use colour formatting.
- !toggle bot bold – turns on or off the bot's ability to use bold formatting.
- !toggle discountcard message – turns on or off the messages shown when players use discount cards, as it can get spammy. The message will never be shown during battle.
- !toggle healthbars – turns on or off coloured health bars.
- !toggle auction house topic change – disables or enables the bot to put the item currently up for auction in the channel topic.
- !toggle battle throttle – turns on or off battle throttle, which prevents players from joining two battles in a row.
- !toggle bonus event – turns on or off the double red orbs event.
- !toggle damage cap – removes or replaces the damage cap.
- !toggle automated battle system – if this is disabled, battles will not start automatically.
- !toggle automated AI battle – if this is enabled, the automatically started battles will be AI battles.
- !toggle battle formula – changes the damage mechanism between three versions.
- !mimic chance percentage chance – changes the chance for a mimic to appear in place of any non-red treasure chest.
- !toggle AI system – turns on or off the AI. If it's off, a bot admin must control the NPCs.
- !toggle battlefield events – enables or disables battlefield events that affect characters in the battle.
- !toggle first round protection – enables or disables protection for players against being killed in one hit on the first turn.
- !toggle battle messages – enables or disables special messages when orb fountain or boss battles open. Some messages, such as outpost battles, can't be disabled.
- !time between battles time in seconds – changes the time between automatically started battles.
- !time to enter time in seconds – changes the time allowed for players to enter battles.
- !apl – shows the average level of the active players.
Character management
- !clear achievement player achievement
- !add character item|redorbs|blackorbs|doubledollars|enhancementpoints amount – gives items to a player.
- !add character ignition ignition
- !take character item|redorbs|blackorbs|doubledollars|enhancementpoints amount – removes items from a player.
- !take character ignition ignition
- !customtitle add player title – sets a custom title for a player, which appears after their name in many actions.
- !customtitle remove player
- !zap character – removes a character from the game. Zapped characters are stored in the /characters/zapped folder. Players who haven't logged in in six months are automatically zapped.
- !unzap file name – restores a zapped character. The file name consists of the character's nickname and some random characters.
- !display players – lists all active players.
- !display zapped – lists all zapped files, for use with !unzap.
- !password reset character – changes the specified player's password to a random password.
- !clear portal usage player – resets a player's portal limit.
- !clear dungeon usage player – resets a player's dungeon limit.
- Character wears armor|accessory item – only bot admins can use this and the following 'control' commands.
- Character removes armor|accessory item
Battle actions
- Character flees the battle